
Waiting for the rain…

Waiting for the rain…

September is arrived and these days before olive harvest are really important for the olive oil quality and quantity.

What we have to ceck?

First of all we need to watch out for olive fly. A fly attack could damage the performance and the organoleptic quality of olive oil. The sentor of fly in the oil is really not pleasent, of course. Moreover this oil would have lost important nourshing quality.

The “Inolizione” is going to start in these days. This natural process permits oil to be concentrated in the olive. Climatic conditions are so important to make sure everything’s going all right. What do we need? We simply need of light and water! That’s why I hope that it’s going to rain during this weekend, sorry for the one who wants the sun!

But pay attention! The olive trees need equilibrium…You can irragate olive trees in this period, that’s right, but not too much. Too water decreases the presence of phenols, and we have to prevent this. A low phenols content reduce oil qualitative profile. In addition to this the fly will be more attracted from your olives.


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