Category Archives: Farming & knowledge

Waiting for the rain…

Waiting for the rain…

September is arrived and these days before olive harvest are really important for the olive oil quality and quantity. What we have to ceck? First of all we need to watch out for olive fly. A fly attack could damage the performance and the organoleptic quality of olive oil. The sentor of fly in the…Continue Reading

categories: Uncategorized
Extravergin Olive Oil: A Health Food – Not Just a Dressing

Extravergin Olive Oil: A Health Food – Not Just a Dressing

So many things can be said about olive oil. During my oil tasting courses, people are often surprised at how a product so often underrated, can be so rich in nutrients and so healthy. High quality extra virgin olive oil is a main staple in the Mediterranean diet and can be used at all times,…Continue Reading

Azienda Agricola SALTAPOGGIO di Edo Bichi

Via Ceanzi 22/a – 50014 – Fiesole (Firenze) - Tel. + 39 349 2184916 - e-mail
P.iva 06465950480 - C.F. BCHDEO68H19E202R